Author Guideliness


File Format

  1. Article must be .docx file, not a .pdf


  1. Paper size is A4
  2. Margin: Top = 23 mm (0.90"), Bottom = 18 mm (0.70"), Left = right = 13 mm (0.51")
  3. Consists of 6–20 pages, not including abstract and references. Editor will confirm the author(s) to evaluate the article if it's >12 pages.


  1. Journal Title in English and Bahasa Indonesia with Max. 12 Words
  2. Font: Helvetica, size: 20, colour: #715473
  3. Each initial letter of words in the title must be in uppercase, except for particles, prepositions, and conjunctions such as “a/an,” “and,” “in/on/at,” “by,” “for,” “from,” “or,” and its kind.


  1. Author’s name writing may not indicate a position (e.g., Supervisor lecturer), an academic degree (e.g., Dr.) or membership from any professional organization (e.g., IEEE Senior Member).
  2. Font: Helvetica, size: 9, colour: black
  3. Affiliation and email
  4. Corresponding author


  1. Written in English and Bahasa Indonesia
  2. Consists of 200–250 words
  3. Font: times new roman, size: 10, colour: hitam
  4. Number of keywords: 4–8 keywords
  5. Keywords are separated by commas and using capital for each words


  1. Level 1 heading must be in uppercase, bold, left-aligned, and use Roman numerals as numbering. For example, see the “III. PAGE STYLE” heading from this document. Level 1 headings that are not preceded by a Roman numeral are Conflict of Interest, Author Contribution, Acknowledgment, References, and Appendix(es).
  2. Level 2 heading must be in uppercase, bold, italics, left-aligned and numbered using uppercase alphabets. For example, you can see the heading of “C. HEADING SECTION” above.
  3. Level 3 heading must in uppercase, left-aligned, and numbered with Arabic numbers followed by right parentheses. The contents of the level 3 section are under the heading title as a new paragraph. For example, this section starts with heading level 3.
  4. Each paragraph is located first line indent 0.51 cm
  5. A heading that only has 1 paragraph doesn't use first line indent

Figure(s) and Table(s)

  1. Charts, images, and tables must be centered.
  2. Figures are labeled with Arabic numerals (1,2,3,4,…). Figure label must be in bold and Helvetica, 7-point font. The single-line caption (e.g., Figure 1) is centered, while the multi-line caption must be justified (e.g., Figure 2). Figure caption and label must be placed after the related image, as shown in Figure 2.
  3. The proper resolution of your figures should be a minimum of 300 ppi.
  4. Tables are labeled using uppercase Roman numerals. Table label is centered and must be in small caps and Times New Roman, 8-point font. Each initial letter of words in the table caption uses capital letters (except for particles, prepositions, and conjunctions as listed in section III B) and must be in small caps. Table caption is placed before the related table, as shown in Table I.
  5. Contents of the table (excluding header and subheader) are written using Times New Roman, size: 9

Confict of Interest

  1. The title for "conflict of interest" is not numbered.
  2. Declare conflicts of interest or state “The authors declare no conflict of interest.” Authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results.


  1. The title for the "acknowledgement" is not numbered.


  1. The title for the "reference" is not numbered.
  2. The main reference should be within the last five years and the minimum number of references is 20 with 80% of the total number of references being primary references. Tools such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote may be used for reference management.
  3. References are written according to IEEE standards/styles.